CH Hurrican of Judael |
By Ian Cook |
Born on the 27 of June 1974 CH Hurrican of Judael came from a mating between Sheila’s little skipper and Crisp of Judael, bred by the partnership of Searl and Earl and owned by Eddy and Mary Pringle. He was a powerful mahogany bridle dog of, If my memory serves me well around fifteen and a half inches and I would guess about 42 pounds. I saw him for the first time at Leeds Championship show were I think he came second in the open dog class beaten on the day by CH Black Tusker. He was tremendously powefull dog for his size always kept in hard condition and I remember him being a very fiery dog always on his toes and ready to go. |
Eddie Pringle and CH Hurrican of Judael |
He gained 7 CCs in total under the following judges CC B.O.B. Southern counties S.B.T.Club under Mr F Potts, CC and B.O.B. at the |
CH Hurrican of Judael or Pluggy as he was known to Eddie and Mary was not only a worthy champion of the breed but also proved to be a very valuable asett as a stud dog and his srvice as a stud dog were always in demand. He sired champion’s of both sexes as well as some very good specimens of the breed which did not gain there title. The Champions that spring to mind are Jean Short’s CH Macshalieon, CH Pegs Bolton trip also owend bt Eddie and Mary,CH Rendorn deadly nightshade,CH Little miss kek. I am sure there are more but my memorie fails me for now. Some other realy good dogs that didnt make there title were Rendorn the mighty Quinn, Brewmaster Sparticus,both dogs did very well in the ring among the bitches were Hurrican Freya again owend by the Pringles. I used Pluggy myself and got a litter of 10 pups much to the amazement of both Eddie and Mary as the mating proved to be very difficult as my bitch was having none of it and there was a bit of a frackar. |