A Tribute to Fred Phillips
I first heard of Fred when he was advertising his Cradbury magazine in the Dog world. After receiving a few copies I decided to contact Fred to see if it might be possible to pay him a visit. I received an invitation to visit him after a few days of writing a time was set and of I went to visit Fred and Margaret at there home The Cradbury Cottage which was situated within the grounds of Stourton castle.
From day one Fred and I seemed to hit it off Iwas very keen to learn as much as possible about the breed and Fred had years of knowledge being in the breed from a young man. He took me to see several breeders who were active at the time I remember visiting the Westwoods of Nethertoinion fame who at that time had Ruffhill the Middlander a dog used allot at that point in time for his strength of head. I think the Ruffill affix was owned by Vera Westwood’s father and might have been the oldest active affix at the time. Another great dog was Ruffhill show boy from the same kennel much more on the leg than the middlander he also had a very good head both of these dogs sired Champions and can be traced back to many of to-days big winners.
Fred had some some very good dogs at the time Cradbury Flash Duke was a mahogany brindle a very hard looking dog of the old school sired by CH Cradbury Lord Vow a black brindle. Another very good dog was Cradbury Flash Earl a pied dog with a very powerful head who was sired by Showboy. Ray his owner had a party trick were he would throw a brick for the dog to retrieve the dog would bring the brick back drop it at Rays feet now in two half's having been crushed by the dogs powerful cheek muscles. This takes a bit of believing but I can say I was witness to this. Another fine dog was CH Cradbury Flash Danny boy who I showed at his very first Championship show and won the puppy class with . He was a red fawn not as strong in the head as the others but still a very fine dog.
Ruffhill Showboy
For me though the best dog Fred had in the kennel was Kenstaff Flash boyo who was a striking pied dog of about 18 inches. I well remember Jack his owner driving into Fred’s to let me see him his head virtually filled the back window of the car and I remember thinking what a cracking dog this might be. Jack brought him from the car and what a dog he proved to be athletic, hard as iron, really short in the back and very sound. Jack would not show the dog because of his size believing this would be held against him had he shown the dog then I belive his services would have been in more demand than they were. However the dog did prove his worth as a stud dog by sireing CH Cradbury Flash Boyo who was of similar type but a little heavier boned and heavier built. Insodently, Flash Boyo should have carried th e Cradbury affix but for a mix up at the kennel club which Fred was more than a little peeved at. Another dog that I saw as a very young dog was Int Ch, Cradbury Jhonny boy who went out to California in the U.S.A.His sire was Cradbury Flash Duke.
By now you must have relised allot of the dogs named have there names prefixed by Flash this was because nearly all of Fred’s breeding can be traced back to one of Fred’s favorites CH Game Flash, a dog Fred admired both for his looks and temperament
CH Game Flash